A wife's quiet time with the Lord

I am a firm believer of the saying: ‘When Mummy is happy, everybody is happy.’ These words always come to my mind when I am upset or angry about something. My eldest child (a 3 year old boy) can always tell when I am upset just by looking at my eyes. God gives him the gift of a very sensitive and compassionate heart. When I was pregnant with my second child (who is 8 months now), there were times when I failed miserably in controlling my anger. After giving birth, the next 5 months were the same. Then, God reminded me that I should devote a quiet time with Him. I did. And the result has been amazing. The verses that I read in the morning would help me throughout the day. The prayers helped me to rely on God more on the things I can not control. Apart from that, I felt the need to also dedicate another special time to read and talk about the Bible with my three year old.
I decided to write this blog because tonight, as I am reading this great book about ‘Managers of Their Homes’ by Steven and Teri Maxwell, a paragraph strike me. I think by sharing this wonderful paragraph with my readers, I can pass on the blessings too.

‘There IS a starting point for success in daily scheduling… schedule our own personal time with the Lord each day. When we can schedule and remain faithful to this time, the foundation and cornerstone of our day, we can succeed in scheduling… We are not wise women if we are trying to accomplish the Lord’s agenda in our own energy and strength…. Where do you get your daily Manna?” p7.
It is so crucial for Christian mums to have a quiet time with the Lord. Their whole day will be filled with so many actions and decisions to make and these will affect their children’s future. By having a special time with God, we will be better equipped with wisdom and love for our family.
One more thing I would like to share briefly is how devotional time with my son has affected us as a family. Ever since we started reading the Bible together, my eldest son would remind me of what to do when he sees me getting angry. He would ask me to pray to God so that I can stay happy and sometimes he would ask me to smile and hug me too.