One thing I learnt from The Art of Work

I recently finished reading “The Art of Work” by Jeff Goins. He describes 7 elements of a calling and illustrates each with beautiful moving stories. Stories of ordinary people like us who have found their calling, resulting in great impact on many people’s lives.

One of the takeaway from that book for me is that a calling is not just one thing. It is not just my work. But it is my entire life. It’s my life’s mission. And yes, a significant part would be my work, but it is also my family, my leisure, and my legacy. In a way, yes, a calling is just one thing, but one wholistic thing encompassing your entire life.

So if you are feeling stuck at work, don’t despair. It is only a part of your calling. Don’t forget that your family is your calling too. Your ministry is your calling. Your leisure time is your calling. And what you impart to other people along the way is also your calling.

In the coming weeks, I will be exploring more about one’s calling and what to do when you feel stuck at where you are now. Please subscribe to our newsletter below to be notified of new articles.